Rumput Laut Kering Panggang Rasa Pedas

Rumput Laut Kering Panggang Rasa Pedas


Spicy Roasted Seaweed is ready-to-eat packaged dried seaweed with a spicy taste. This dried seaweed is roasted two times using olive oil, corn oil, and sesame oil, then sprinkled with fine salt. These foods are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals and low in cholesterol. Seaweed has many good health benefits, one of which is improving heart health thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants to improve heart health.

Berat Bersih


Isi Kemasan

360g (40 pack x 2 pcs x 4,5g)

Umur Simpan

12 Months


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